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Taxation Services

Our Team Understand Taxation


At Balanced Business Accounting we build solid relationships that stand the test of time. Our Brisbane based tax accountants know taxation can be a major cost to your business, and will work with you to minimise the cost and help you achieve your key objectives. We assist and advise in:


  • Preparing activity statements and advice on tax payments

  • GST/FBT obligations 

  • Tax effective trust structures for asset protection and tax minimisation 

  • Managing any ATO audits or disputes


Our team of financial advisers, lawyers and tax accountants will navigate you through the tax landscape, offering tailored advice on critical business issues.


Contact them today and let's get the ball rolling.

Managing Income Tax


As the end of another financial year rapidly approaches and another one begins cash flow management of tax liabilities is becoming ever more important in business. With the ATO taking an aggressive stance on debt collection, avoiding tax bill surprises well in advance assist with various business decisions that impact on cash flow.


Knowing where you stand in relation to your PAYG instalments as (The ATO bases these on the last return lodged) business circumstances can change is vital. Instalments that are too small or large can result in a tax liability accruing unknown to the ATO and yourself or having paid excess instalments decreasing cash available to fund your business operations. The ability to plan the payment of tax and avoid surprises at the time of lodgement of your return, which may be up to 11 months after the 30th June provides peace of mind.


We do provide a quarterly tax projection service that compares the ATO instalments against your actual trading results giving you the ability to vary your instalments or plan your cash flow around next year's final tax payments. Please contact me if you would like further information regarding this service.

Key Dates


Explore key tax due dates on the ATO website by clicking the button link below.


Audit Services

"Smile IT have been working with Matt, Jenny and their awesome BBA team for the last 15 years. Our partnership with them has helped us grow and their guidance has been invaluable."

Lauren Drummond

Smile IT

Need an accountant that truly understands your business?

Contact us

Capalaba, Suite 3, 1/76 Old Cleveland Rd,
Brisbane QLD 4157

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